Welcome to InitialView

My name is Terry Crawford, and I have the pleasure of working with the team here to launch InitialView.

As you already know, it’s tough to find the job you want. All of the popular employers receive thousands of resumes (some receive thousands a week), and all you have is a piece of paper to distinguish yourself from the fierce competition.

Furthermore, any HR person will tell you that resumes can’t be trusted. Anytime there’s tough competition, some people will do anything to get noticed. As a result, almost all resumes look the same: everyone has great experience; everyone has great English—on paper.

Who does this hurt? Top job applicants, like yourself, who can prove their skills and abilities if only they had the chance.

That’s where we come in: We know that there are top applicants out there struggling to find the job they want and deserve, struggling to get noticed in the mountain of resumes that HR departments receive. If you’re a top candidate, our interviews give you the opportunity to prove it. HR departments know who we are, and they trust our interviews—even just having an InitialView code on your resume signals to a prospective employer that you can prove that you have the skills.

Right now we are in our beta period, so we are looking for top candidates who are interested in distinguishing themselves from the crowd. If you are interested, send us your resume and we will let you know if you qualify. If you qualify, you will have the opportunity to participate for 50% off our regular prices.

Feel free to stop by and see us in our offices as well: we are located in the Huaqing Shangwu Huiguan building, diagonally across from the TUS Park and Tsinghua's East Gate, or give us a call at (010)8286-3889.